Projective Coaching Cards

Peter Freeth

A beautiful set of original photography to use in a variety of ways in projective coaching sessions.

5 sets to collect, each featuring 72 unique cards.

All 5 sets are now in stock and ready to deliver!

Projective Coaching Cards are a set of 72 cards, each featuring beautiful, unique, original photography. You can use the cards in a variety of ways in various projective coaching situations.

For example, you could use them to reveal the relationships and connections within a team, or to guide a conversation where an individual client explores a complex situation. You can use them to create abstract stories so that your clients can express themselves more easily and fully, and you can use them as reference points for your own personal reflection. In short, there's no end to the wonderful uses for these beautiful cards. And because the cards feature images, they can be used for coaching in any language!

Each set comes in a custom box with a lift off lid for easy access and to keep your cards in pristine condition. The cards measure 60mm by 90mm.

Buy these cards for £15 plus £3 postage

Set 1

{instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=15,productname=Projective Coaching Cards #1,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

  • baby-orang.resized.jpg
  • cucumbers.resized.jpg
  • IMGP6436b.resized.JPG
  • IMG_20181019_084530.resized.jpg
  • IMGP3316.resized.resized.JPG

Set 2

{instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=15,productname=Projective Coaching Cards #2,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

  • fire and water.resized.jpg
  • IMGP4182.resized.JPG
  • K3PF5173.resized.JPG
  • K3PF7942.resized.JPG
  • K3PF8102.resized.JPG

Set 3

{instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=15,productname=Projective Coaching Cards #3,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

  • IMGP2048.resized.JPG
  • IMGP9952.resized.JPG
  • K3PF1540.resized.JPG
  • K3PF8088.resized.JPG
  • P1020332a.resized.png

Set 4

{instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=15,productname=Projective Coaching Cards #4,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

  • CIMG4948.resized.JPG
  • IMGP1945a.resized.JPG
  • IMG_20200120_125557.resized.jpg
  • K3PF4860.resized.JPG
  • P1000223.resized.JPG

Set 5

{instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=15,productname=Projective Coaching Cards #5,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

  • IMGP4658.resized.JPG
  • IMG_20181105_162947.resized.jpg
  • K3PF4942.resized.JPG
  • K3PF8016.resized.JPG
  • P1010909a.resized.JPG

